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Yet another “super-Earth” – maybe with a sibling?

February 28, 2024

So, astronomers need to know both mass and diameter to determine whether a planet is truly similar enough to ours to host some form of Earth-like life. If the planet has a low mass and a large radius, it is likely like a so-called mini-Neptune with a gassy atmosphere and little rock. If it has a higher mass but a smaller radius, it’s probably a rocky planet like ours.

The possibility that TOI-715 b is rocky “would be exciting because that supports it being more of a habitable planet versus some sort of other world,” says Moran.


TOI-715 orbits a red dwarf star around 137 light years away, so we won’t be getting there any time soon. But after finding this planet last year, astronomers also are trying to confirm the existence of another smaller, closer to Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone (i.e., in an orbit that permits liquid water necessary for life to evolve).

And the name of the possibly new “sibling” planet?

“TIC 271971130.02”

Uh. We gotta come up with cooler names, folks.

For starters, they orbit a dwarf star.

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